Who whe are

Who whe are

Who whe are

Since 2004, Epsilon has been providing support to children in situations of distress and vulnerability in developing countries, focusing on areas such as healthcare, education, nutrition, and water.

The association is composed solely of volunteers, all projects have zero overhead costs: 100% of the funds raised are dedicated to the causes!


Helping children in developing countries with basic needs such as nutrition, healthcare, education, and water, according to the SDGs nº 2,3,4 and 6.


Creating sustainable development and achieving tangible impact on as many children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 in developing countries through small, measurable projects achievable within less than a year.


E - Empowerment of local communities over time
P - trusted local Partnership
S - Sustainable development through measurable projects
I - Inclusion and growth of disadvantaged children and adolescents
L - voluntary Labour combined with managerial expertise
O - Ownership, transparency, and sense of responsibility
N - Not for profit organization with zero overheads (100% model)

Our numbers since 2005

Boys and girls helped
Euros collected

(39% from companies and institutions, 51% from private donors, 10% from 5x1000)

Completed projects

Examples of completed projects

Nutrition, Rwanda

In 2009, we built a new nutrition center in Rutongo and have been supporting it every year since then by covering all the food expenses of the children taken in with severe malnutrition diseases. The center also provides nutrition education to their families.

Healthcare, Benin

We have been supporting St. Jean de Dieu Hospital in Tanguieta since 2006. We allocate funds to the pediatric ward and nutrition center to ensure that children receive care, blood transfusions and proper nutrition.

Education, Togo

Since 2007 we built 7 schools from nursery to high school in the villages of Tchebebe, Solimdé, Kaza and Kazaboua and we keep supporting those students every year by covering their school expenses and the purchase of necessary equipment.

Water, Tanzania

In 2022 we started a partnership with Radici Globali NGO to create wells for the Maasai population in the Mkuru district, where water sources are tens of kilometers away from villages and the situation is further compunded by climate change.

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